2022, The Bearded Tit
CLOSER is the first exhibition at The Bearded Tit since the beginning of the pandemic. The work in this show reflects on how intimacy, proximity, relationality, distance and touch were and are experienced in lock-downs, both state-sanctioned and self-directed. How do artists and gig economy workers offer gestures of connection to their communities during these times of isolation? As the pandemic, predictably, plays out along lines of structural inequalities, these artists resist through their inquiries into marginalisation, tenacity and fragility; through their expressions of desire, playfulness and care.

In the STREETSPACE, Spacefloss present a reimagining of 'Happy for you to Hold me'. These hand sewn ‘pillob’ sculptures conjure a yearning to touch and hold, an embrace remembered but not enacted. Happy for you to hold me continues on the TAXIDERMY TV with an accompanying video work that explores the experience of holding, grasping, reaching, touching, things we’ve missed while apart.
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